Friday, April 25, 2014

Our 4th growing season has finally arrived and we have been dreaming all winter about these recent days of sunshine & warmth.  Today we met at the garden and decided on the rotation and placement of our crops.  We will also be experimenting this summer with a creative process for growing potatoes using stacked used tires.  We will be asking House of Prayer members to bring used tires to the garden, as well as solicit donations from area tire companies.   We're excited about this new venture and have already made plans for the potato harvest - LEFSE for the FALL FESTIVAL!   More info on that in late summer.  Here's a link to more info on this experiment

As a member of the Seed Hub, we will be attending a seedling fair and will receive seed packets and seedlings of various varieties.  It's usually a mixed bag, but the non-profit groups provides high quality plants and seeds to community gardeners and food shelves.  Don't forget, we will always welcome your overflow of both vegetable plants and flowers.  We need to keep the bees busy!  Contact Kim or Sandy if you wish to contribute. 

Meanwhile, we have scheduled another garden work day / clean-up for next Friday, May 2nd.  Starting at 9:00 a.m., we will clear some overgrown vines and rake out the bedding area along the wall.  Then the beds will be rototilled and cleared of loose debris.  Another project taking place on 5/2 will be installing new lattice screening around the water barrels & compost bin.  If you're wondering, "How is all this going to get done in one day by so few people?"  IT'S NOT - We need you.  If you can spare a couple hours on a Friday morning to stop by and lend a hand, it will lighten the load greatly.  Just remember to bring gloves and a rake or your favorite yard tool. 

Do you have a "vision" for a garden?  We would welcome ideas and visionaries to lead projects or special tasks.  Contact Kim Houle at 612-869-2481 or Sandy Jenson at 612-869-7043 to become more involved. 

The Son is Up!!! Let's make hay while we can...

Growing in Grace,