Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Knee-high by the 4th of July?  If we had corn growing in our mission garden, I'm sure it would be right on track with this old saying.  Nonetheless, we have plenty of other crops doing very well to reach their full potential.  Our recently planted tomatoes are taking nicely in their new "digs" and this weekend we will be removing the fading peas and planting a new crop of bush beans.  Several donation trips have been made to the VEAP offices with well over 25 lbs. of donated fresh produce to date.  This fresh produce is making its way to lucky clients and their families.

Community Garden Day is scheduled for Saturday, August 11th, from 9 a.m. until noon.  Please feel free to stop by and visit the garden.  There are several gardens on the tour this year and if you'd like a map, log onto for more information.

We have completed the rain-water capturing system with the helping hands of Mike Murphy, Joey Houle, Cal and Sandy Jenson, Larry and DeeDee Edlund, and others (sorry if I left someone out).  Additional work days are being scheduled to attend to other garden areas on the church grounds as well.  If you'd like to help out, please contact Kim Houle at 612-558-0634 for future dates.

Garden blessings abundant!